Anti Fraud

Based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 39 / POJK.03 / 2019 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategies for Commercial Banks, Anti-Fraud Management presents informative videos for all stakeholders of Bank Mestika in order to raise awareness of the risk of Fraud and mutual support in eradicating Fraud in the banking environment. Have a good time watching.

In our effort to serve and protect our dear customers and stakeholders from the abuse of banking service and infrastructure, in which will effect loss, we would like to provide some tips for customer awareness agaisnt any fraudulent activities, to protect yourself, and increase prudential culture in your banking activities.

Fraud defines as misappropriation or abuse and wrongful or criminal deception, manipulation acts against Bank, customers or other parties, internally or externally, with the misuse of banking service and infrastructure, intended to result directly or indirectly, financial or personal gain.

Type of fraud : forgery, embezzlement, banking criminal acts, identity theft, and other actions equal to those banking crimes.

Here are some Customer Awareness tips :

  • Guard your saving book, ATM card and your PIN, your time deposit proof, cheque or giro book, your SDB key, by keeping in the safe place, and do not entrust it to other person and not even to the individual represents as bank employee.
  • When receiving new transaction instruments of current account from Bank employee, such as your cheques and or giro book, please ensure it is correct with sequential numbers and attached with receipt and request form for new chequebook. ( Each book consist of 25 piece of cheques / giro + 2 forms ).
  • If your cheques / giro is lost or stolen, please immediately report to us.
  • Always write cheques / giro using non-erasable ink pens, typewriters or printers - never pencil.
  • Ensure writing the amount in both numbers and letters in your cheque / giro as far in the allotted space as possible and draw a line through the unused space of the letters and numbers to prevent addition / modification.
  • Ensure and review your account balance and guard your validated receipt after conducting financial transactions or after conducting other bank activities before leaving the Bank.
  • Do not give any power of attorney to unfamiliar person or Bank employee, to conduct financial transactions with Bank.
  • In loan activities with Bank, properly store the receipt of your facility/ies' collateral.
  • Always reconcile your bank accounts in a timely manner.
  • Please make sure you know and understand the purpose of revealing any personal information or sign any forms requested by Bank employee.
  • Do not :
    • Share you PIN / password to other person and or to Bank employee,
    • Use the same PIN / password for sites,
    • Write your PIN / password down.
  • Change your PIN / password periodically.
  • Choose a PIN / password that is different from your address, telephone number, Identity card number, birth date, and avoid toher easily compromised numbers or words as your PIN / password.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when using ATM and avoid revealing your PIN to the person behind / beside you while typing it on ATM
  • In your relationship with our employees, please be informed that :
    • Our employees are prohibited to request or accept any gifts or commission, money or goods due to service provided to our customers and or our stakeholders.
    • Our employess have to safeguard the secrecy of customer records and information, and prohibited to share any customer information to other parties without consent of Bank Management.

For more information, questions, or indications and whistleblowing, please contact :

SKAI & Fungsi Penerapan Anti Fraud
PT. Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk
Jl.H.Z.Arifin No.118 Medan 20152
Tel. (061) 4525800 (Hunting)
Ext. 1804, 1805
or Email :

Banking Mediation

With reference to Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 8/5/PBI/2006 as already amended by Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 10/1/PBI/2008 and Bank Indonesia Circular No. 8/14/DPNP regarding Banking Mediation and the Financial Service Authority Circular No. 2/SEOJK.07/2014 regarding the Service and Settlement of Consumer Complaint at Financial Service Business Operators, please be informed of the Procedure for the Submission of the Settlement of Dispute by Customers via Banking Mediation as follows:

Definition of Banking Mediation

Banking Mediation is a process of a dispute settlement involving a mediator to assist the parties in dispute to achieve a settlement in the form of a voluntary agreement on some or all of the disputed issues. In this case the Banking Mediation function is carried out by the Financial Service Authority or the Alternative Dispute Settlement Institutions stated in the List of the Alternative Dispute Settlement Institutions determined by the Financial Service Authority.

Banking Mediation Function

The function of Banking Mediation is limited to the efforts to assist the customer and the Bank to basically review the dispute in the framework of reaching an agreement between the customer and the Bank.

Customer Complaint Handling

Legal Basis:
Circular Letter of the Financial Services Authority NO.2/SEOJK.07/2014 on Handling and Settlement of Customer Complaints at Financial Service Operators.

  • Complaints are expressions of Customer’s dissatisfaction caused by a loss and / or a potential financial loss of the Customer presumably due to the Bank’s errors or omissions.
  • Customers are parties that deposit their funds and / or utilize the services provided at a Bank.

Mechanism of Managing Customer Complaint:

  1. The Bank is required to serve and resolve any Customer complaints before such complaints are conveyed to the other party.
  2. The Bank is required to follow up and resolve the complaint no later than 20 (twenty) working days after the date of receipt of the complaint.
  3. For cases which the complaint could not be settled due to certain conditions, the Bank may extend up to a maximum of 20 (twenty) working days.
  4. Certain conditions as referred to in point 3 are:
    • the Bank office receiving the complaint is not the same as the Bank office where the issue of the complaint takes place, and there are communication problems between the two offices;
    • financial transaction complained by the customer requires a particular study on the documents of the Bank; and / or
    • there are other things beyond the Bank’s control such as the involvement of a third party outside the Bank in financial transactions conducted by the Customer.
  5. The extension of time to resolve the complaint as referred to in point 3 shall be notified in writing to the Customer who filed a complaint before the deadline of the period as referred to in point 2.

Procedure for the Submission of the Dispute Settlement

  1. The submission of the dispute settlement via the Banking Mediation can be done by a customer or a representative of the customer.
  2. The dispute which can be submitted to Banking Mediation for settlement is the dispute which fulfils the following conditions:
    • The dispute has been submitted for settlement by the customer to the Bank.
    • The respective dispute is not in the process or has never been decided by an arbitration institution or court, or an Agreement facilitated by another Banking Mediation institution has not been reached.
    • The respective dispute is a civil dispute.
    • The respective dispute has never been processed in Banking Mediation facilitated by Bank Indonesia or the Financial Service Authority; and
    • The submission of the dispute settlement does not exceed 60 (sixty) business days after the date of the letter regarding the settlement of Dispute sent by the Bank to the customer.
  3. The financial claim in the Banking Mediation is submitted in Rupiah, maximum IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah). A customer cannot submit a financial claim resulting from immaterial losses.
  4. The submission of the dispute settlement is done in writing by completing the form for the dispute settlement by attaching documents in the forms of :
    • Photocopy of the letter regarding the Dispute settlement sent by the Bank to the customer;
    • Photocopy of the customer’s identity which is still valid;
    • A statement signed on sufficient stamp duty that the respective dispute is not in the process or has not been decided by an arbitration institution, court or another Banking Mediation institution, and has never been processed in a Banking Mediation facilitated by the Financial Service Authority/Bank Indonesia;
    • Photocopy of the supporting documents related to the respective dispute; and
    • Photocopy of a power of attorney, if the submission of the settlement ofdispute is authorized to another person.
  5. The submission of the dispute settlement by a customer is addressed to The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Service Authority Attn. Consumer Education and Protection Sector
  6. The Banking Mediation process is carried out after the customer or the customer’s representative and the Bank sign an agreement to mediate or a facilitation agreement which contains:
    • An agreement to choose the Banking Mediation facilitated by the Financial Service Authority fot the dispute settlement ; and
    • An agreement to abide by and subject to the rules of the Banking Mediation or the facilitation rules determined by the Financial Service Authority.
  7. The implementation of the Banking Mediation process until the signing of the Agreement is done maximum within 30 (thirty) business days from the date the customer or the customer’s representative and the Bank sign the agreement to mediate or the facilitation agreement and the period can be extended for another 30 (thirty business days based on an agreement between the customer or the customer’s representative and the Bank.
  8. The agreement between the customer or the customer’s representative and the Bank received from the Banking Mediation process shall be written in an Agreement signed by the customer or the customer’s representative and the Bank.

*For Complaint Process, Customer can contact Customer Services and Call Center (14083) of Bank Mestika

**Bank Mestika is a bank registered with and under supervision of the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Banking Meditation is provided in Indonesian and English language provided that in the event any discrepancy between them, Indonesia version shall prevail.

Whistleblowing Bank Mestika

Selamat Datang Nasabah dan Mitra Kerja yang terhormat, Sebagai sarana dalam mewujudkan lingkungan bisnis dan kerja yang sehat dan produktif, Bank Mestika menyediakan Whistleblowing System (WBS) yang dapat digunakan oleh seluruh stakeholders Bank Mestika. Bapak / Ibu dapat melaporkan dugaan fraud, pelanggaran kode etik, pelanggaran hukum maupun pelanggaran lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Bank Mestika melalui form WBS dibawah ini. Setiap pelaporan yang memenuhi kriteria, akan dilakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut oleh Tim Anti Fraud Bank Mestika dan kami menjamin kerahasiaan data pelapor sehingga pelapor dapat memberikan informasi data diri dan kontak yang dapat dihubungi guna keperluan penyelidikan lebih lanjut. Akhir kata, Bank Mestika mengucapkan terima kasih atas atensi Bapak / Ibu dalam memberikan pelaporan guna menjadikan Bank Mestika yang lebih baik.

Kategori Jenis Laporan
Fraud :
Tindakan penyimpangan atau pembiaran yang sengaja dilakukan untuk mengelabui, menipu, atau memanipulasi bank, nasabah, atau pihak lain, yang terjadi di lingkungan bank dan/atau menggunakan sarana bank sehingga mengakibatkan bank, nasabah, atau pihak lain menderita kerugian dan/atau pelaku fraud memperoleh keuntungan keuangan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Jenis-jenis perbuatan yang tergolong fraud adalah:

  1. kecurangan,
  2. penipuan,
  3. penggelapan aset,
  4. pembocoran informasi,
  5. tindak pidana perbankan (tipibank)

Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Services Sector

A. Policies

With the enactment of the Act of the Republic of Indonesia (UU RI) No. 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector, the enactment has strengthened the authority of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia in regulating and supervising consumer and community protection in the financial services sector to improve a reliable consumer protection system, enhance consumer and community empowerment, and foster awareness of financial services business actors;

Furthermore, there are also developments in the aspects of consumer and community protection in the financial services sector caused by the addition of consumer and community protection principles, expansion of financial services business actors, and digitalization of products and/or services in the financial services sector, as well as the development of an increasingly complex and dynamic financial services industry, so that it is necessary to strengthen the regulation of consumer and community protection in the financial services sector.

Act of the Republic of Indonesia (UU RI) No. 4 of 2023 concerning Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector, which in this case states that Protection in the financial sector is organized with the aim to:

  1. creating a Consumer Protection ecosystem that realizes legal certainty as well as complaint handling and dispute resolution that are effective and efficient;
  2. fostering awareness among Financial Services Business Actors regarding responsible business behavior, fair treatment, providing Protection of assets, privacy, and Consumer data, also improving the quality of products and/or services of Financial Sector Business Actors;
  3. enhancing Consumer awareness, capabilities, and independence regarding products and/or services of Financial Sector Business Actors and increasing Consumer empowerment.

The Financial Sector Authority is authorized to regulate in the framework of Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Sector, namely the mechanism for handling Consumer complaints, Consumer Services in the financial sector, Market Conduct Supervision, out-of-court financial sector dispute resolution through dispute resolution bodies or institutions, and other provisions in the framework of Consumer and Community Protection in the financial sector.

B. Substance of Improvement

Improvements to strengthen consumer and community protection include :

  1. a regulatory approach to the product and/or service life cycle that further optimizes protection efforts for consumers and the community, from product and/or service design to handling and resolving disputes;
  2. Strengthening the principles of consumer and community protection is to oblige financial services business actors to conduct "adequate education" to increase the ability of consumers and community to choose financial services sector products and services;
  3. Strengthening the implementation of the principle of openness and transparency of information through regulating the form, procedure, and exceptions of delivering summary product and service information;
  4. Strengthening the principle of compliance enforcement that focuses on the actions of the Organizer (Financial Services Business Actors) to ensure compliance with the provisions of Consumer Protection based on statutory provisions in the Financial Sector;
  5. Strengthening healthy competition where competition between Financial Services Business Actors in carrying out business activities is conducted with honesty, is not against the law or does not hamper business competition;
  6. Strengthening support for consumers and/or communities with disabilities and the elderly, as well as enhancing the protection of consumer data and information;
  7. The obligation to provide sufficient time for consumers to understand the agreement before it is signed or a pause period after signing the agreement for products and services with long-term or complex characteristics;
  8. Obligation to record when product and or service offerings are made through personal means of communication by voice and/or video;
  9. Affirmation of OJK's authority in conducting consumer protection including market conduct supervision as a form of implementation of articles 28 to 30 of the Act regarding the OJK;
  10. Obligation to establish a consumer and community protection unit or function;
  11. Obligation to submit a self-assessment report by Financial Services Business Actors to the OJK regarding the fulfillment of consumer protection provisions.
  12. In the implementation of Consumer Protection, the Organizer (Financial Services Business Actors) has rights and obligations. The Organizer (Financial Services Business Actors) is obliged to apply the principles of Consumer Protection and inform and ensure that Consumers are aware of their rights and obligations. Consumer rights and obligations as intended, are as follows:
    Consumer Rights are :
    1. obtain security in using products and/or utilizing services as stipulated in the statutory provisions and/or agreements;
    2. choose products and/or services;
    3. receive products and/or services according to the promised offer and/or in accordance with statutory provisions;
    4. accessing data and/or consumer information managed by the Organizer;
    5. obtain informations about products and/or services that are clear, accurate, true, easily accessible, and not potentially misleading;
    6. have their opinions and complaints heard about the used products and/or utilized services;
    7. receive financial education;
    8. be treated or served properly;
    9. vobtain advocacy, protection, and efforts to handle complaints and consumer dispute resolution in accordance with the statutory provisions;
    10. obtain compensation if the product and/or service received is not in accordance with the agreement and/or the statutory provisions;
    11. to form a consumer association; and
    12. other rights regulated by the statutory provisions.
    Consumer obligations are :
    1. listen to the explanation of information regarding products and/or services delivered with certain marketing methods by the Organizer before purchasing the products and/or services of the Organizer;
    2. read, understand, and implement correctly the agreement and/or document regarding the use of the product and/or service;
    3. act in good faith in using products and/or services;
    4. provide information and/or documents that are clear, accurate, true, and not misleading;
    5. pay in accordance with the value or price and/or fee for the product and/or service agreed upon with the Organizer; and
    6. participate in Consumer Protection efforts in resolving dispute in accordance with the statutory provisions.